Everything you need to create a website with Nausikaä can be found in the documentation. There are three categories: Elements, contains the standard HTML elements. Components are small groups of elements, that together fulfill one function. Collections are larger groups of components and/or elements, that make up commonly used website patterns (like image galleries and navbars).
All documented items contain a description, samples and example HTML code. If you find anything missing or wrong, please let me know.
The majority of elements in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) are covered in the Elements section. These are the building blocks of every website, with no to little CSS classes to be learned. All basic tags like <a>
, <ul>
, <table>
and <img>
are covered. As well as <form>
tags like <input>
, <select>
and <textarea>
Newer elements from the HTML5 spec are still in development, like <meter>
, <input type="range">
and <input type="color">
. The goal is for someday to make Nausikaä HTML5 complete one day. If you have any elements you would like to see, please let me know.
TypographyInclude global settings, headings, body text, inline elements, lists, blocquotes and more.
LinksArguably the most important element on the internet. Where would we go without it?
ButtonsThe button indicates a possible user action, meant to look and behave as an interative element
Input fieldsA place to write down your dreams and hopes. Or just sign up for that ole newsletter.
Checkboxes & RadiosAllows a user to select a value from a small set of options, often binary
ImagesEmbed graphic representations of cats, among other things.
TablesInformation presented in a two-dimensional table comprised of rows and columns of cells
Progress barsAn indicator showing the completion progress of a task
Components are made up of multiple Elements and together fulfill a simple function. They enrich the user experience and provide builders with greater flexibility. Nausikaä has a small set of Components commonly found on the internet. Some CSS classes come in to play here. Javascript is not required.
BreadcrumbsIndicate the users current location within a navigational hierarchy. Watch out for houses made of candy.
ContainersSimple boxes for complicated stuff. When you don't know where to put it, put it in a container.
DialogsA classic modal overlay, in which you can include any content you want. Also known as popup.
DropdownsToggle contextual overlays for displaying lists of links and more. When you can't give everything at once.
NotificationsProvide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions.
PaginationA way for users to navigate paginated content.
PanelsA composable panel, for compact controls.
TagsSmall tag labels to insert anywhere.
Collections are patterns commonly found on websites, made up of multiple Elements and Components. The number of Collections in Nausikaä is small, but hopefully more will be developed in the future.
ArticlesA self-contained composition which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable.
NavbarA responsive horizontal navbar that can support a menu, links, buttons, and dropdowns.
GalleryCollections of images displayed on a grid or as a slideshow
FormsAllows a user to enter data, using a combination of checkboxes, radio buttons, or text and select fields
ProductsAn article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.